I had a poll on the blog about what went well in your gardens and here is the results
8 people took the poll
What did the best in your garden this year?
Fruit trees 0
Squash 1
Tomatoes 5
Carrots and beets 0
Didn't have a garden this year 2
Green beans and peas 0
I thought for my own sake I would write things I learned this year in gardening.
1. Because my pear tree got fire blight disease I'm going to spray for that next year
2. I didn't get one apple off my two apple trees and my neighbor said her parents only get apples every other year. Lets hope that's true and I get apples next year.
3. I loved loved doing my garden in the square foot fashion because.... I hardly had any weeds. I kept track of everything and knew what every plant was. I loved assigning a few squares to my kids. They got to choose what they wanted to plant and then they took care of it. It was a really good experience for them and they enjoyed it.
4. Watermelons don't work growing up a trellis. I think because the stem is so thin it doesn't have the ability to carry that much weight. Traeden was devastated when his watermelon fell of the vine.
5. I can grow carrots! But getting them to germinate was a trick. I reseeded some squares 4 times and some still didn't come up. I think I need to water a little more regularly at first for these seeds.
6. Pumpkins grow great up a trellis. It was so cool to see this large pumpkin 4 feet off the ground
7. I need to do more green beans and plant them sooner.
8. Eggplant flowers were really pretty but we only saw one actually turn into an eggplant. (not going to do that again)
9. Definitely going to do more beets
10. Spinach was way fun. I'm going to try to spread out the harvest better by planting one square every week till it gets too hot.
11. Zucchini is always a huge producer. The trick is to harvest these every day so they don't get big.
12. Tomatoes--I'm only planting the early tomatoes. We hardly had any that got red before it froze. We just have too short a season.