Sunday, March 15, 2009

Going Green

Some people may call me a granola girl but I choose to say I'm just trying to do my part to not clutter the world as much.   When I went to USU I had a roommate, Robin Wignall, who had boxes in the kitchen for recycling.  She had a box for milk cartons, for paper, and cans.  I got in the habit because of Robin to recycle.  She would take these down to the recycling center every time they got full.  I thought this was so cool.  It wasn't much longer I was married and I carried on the torch of recycling to my own home.  I remember loading up our recycled goods every couple weeks and driving it down to Smiths.  After Devin and I had been married 7 years we moved to Nibley and I kept on recycling.  Our nearest recycling was just up the road but they didn't do everything, so sometimes did two drop offs to unload glass.  The one that really drove me crazy was plastic bags.  I always forget to unload them when I'm at the grocery store so they sit in my van forever.  Now I just use them as garbage liners and I have recently tried to use my own fabric grocery bags.  The hardest thing is just remembering to bring them with me in the store.  I don't always remember but the times I do it makes me fill like I'm helping just a little. 
Now I feel like it's come full circle because I have a beautiful blue garbage can that I put out in front of my house!  They pick that up every other week and it's wonderful. The only thing I still take to the recycling center is over sized cardboard boxes, Christmas trees, and glass.   I am really glad that it's getting easier to be environmentally friendly.  Going green seems to be the cool way of saying it lately.  One thing we are going to start as soon as it gets warmer is composting our fruit and vegetable scrapes for our garden.  I stop doing this in the winter, it's just too cold!  
It takes planning and organizing to recycle and I think that's why sometimes its hard to do.  But God has given us this beautiful earth to enjoy and care for.  The month our Primary has been focusing on D&C 88:119. One of the points of making a house of God is to establish a house of order. We each can make ourselves, our homes, our neighborhoods, and cities a little more orderly. If everyone does their own part we can make a difference.  If you have any ideas that that you have tried lately in "Going Green", please share. 


Sandra said...

I too love the blue recycling cans. If it wasn't for them I'm not sure how much I would do it. The only thing I can think of for recycling is reusing things. Such as Apple Juice containers, we clean them out and use them. That type of stuff

Sandra said...

Nope it's not my cousin Heather. I used to babysit her little girl Olivia. I don't know if you ever met her.

Chrystal said...

I know - aren't those blue cans marvelous! Well..I do like using paper bags or recyclable plastic bags at the grocery store, and cloth bags for the library, and I actually re-use plastic baggies that are just used for snacks like crackers. . .