Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Be prepared and ye shall not fear

Coming home from Gunnison/Mayfield after a fun weekend with family (New Years Eve) we had a scary incident that will be imprinted on my mind for a long time.  Close to the Farr West heading north we were one of the first cars on a fatal car accident.  We pulled over to help the victims.  Someone had already called 911 and one man (who happened to be a paramedic) was already performing CPR on the driver of the vehicle.  Devin helped the passenger which happened to be a boy from Cache Valley who was driving with his grandma.  Devin came to the car and said what do we have that we can help with?  Luckily we had a little bit of medical supplies from Derek and Charity they sent home from us, but this was not much.  Devin was able to talk with the boy and keep him as calm as possible.  He knew as well as the paramedic that his grandma was already gone but they kept working on her until the ambulance was there.  After the ambulance came and took over Devin got in the car and relayed his experience.  Life is so fragile.  Here this grandma was just driving a long and then just like that she was gone.  This touched Devin and we had a special moment just thankful to be alive with our loved ones.  Then we started talking about how we can be more prepared if that should happen to us again.  We made a list of things we would like to have on hand in the car for emergencies.
1.  Wool blanket (this would have been very helpful so the people wouldn't have to lay on the pavement and to keep them warm)
2.  large gauze pads (to stop bleeding)
3.  Medical scissors 
4.  Ace bandage (immobilize hurt body parts)
5.  flashlight
What do you keep in your car for emergencies or things that you have found to be helpful?
This also made me think about being spiritually prepared so I can return to my father in heaven. I truly believe in the council that if we are prepared, we shall not fear.  

1 comment:

David said...

What a tragic experience to witness! Thanks for the post - it is truly experiences like these that remind us how fragile life can be and that we should truly cherish what we do have.