Friday, February 27, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Draper Temple Open House
Homemade Yogurt Recipe
All the ingredients
1 Gallon Milk (any percent you like)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sick Weekend
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Keeping healthy and Happy V-Day!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
What's for Dinner?
I have added a little gadget on the right column with this title "Whats for Dinner". I am only going to put up a weekly menu because I really only cook one meal a week. (If you are ever interested in a recipe let me know and I'll post it.)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Top Ten Party for 2008
1. Online passwords—I hate to remember all my passwords. Now Devin and I have a secret series of numbers and letters that we both remember and keep the same for all passwords but we just change the ending depending on the website. Example for Qwest--**********QW
I have loved this. We have given away things to people who are so grateful. I even gave away zucchini when all my neighbors were sick of it. =) We have got some fun things as well. The nice thing is they pick it up so you save on gas, and for us we always have to borrow a truck when we need to haul things away.
Egg Rolls
1/3 package Rice Sticks (soak in warm water for 10 min, drain)
1/3 lb ground sausage, browned
1 large carrot diced, sautéed
1 stalk celery diced, sautéed
¼ onion diced, sautéed
2 eggs
Mix all together in a bowl. Roll ¼ cup mixture in egg roll wrapper and cook in hot oil. Dip in Sweet Chili Sauce (Mae Ploy brand or Buddha brand at oriental store) and enjoy.
My other ideas which didn't make the list this year
11. Scripture Study- Marking Scriptures with color coding—I have started at the beginning of the Bible and use certain colors to mark different languages and doctrinal helps.
“GR” with green, “OR” with orange, “HEB” with blue, the “IE” with yellow, and the “JST” with red. I have learned a lot this way and I understand the scriptures better.
12. Babysitting Swapping--I have several little swaps that make life so much easier. I trade with Lisa for
13. Coupon Binder—I got this idea from Alison Ellis and I love that I can find a coupon anytime I need it. It’s a zip up binder with baseball card holders in it and alphabetized tabs. You cut coupons and file them under the name you can remember. I have about two card holder behind each tab.
16. Pandora—music online. The music is based on your favorite music. You type in an artist or song you really like and then they play music that is similar to it. It is really fun.
19. Hymn Singing—we have tried on and off and hopefully lately we will be more on in singing a hymn as a family at the end of the day before family prayers. Our boys are getting to know how to sing hymns and will hopefully help them sing more in sacrament meetings.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Balancing Time as a Mother
"A mother's purpose is to care, prepare, To nurture and to strengthen all her children. She teaches children to obey, to pray, To love and serve in the family. God gave us families to help us become what he wants us to be. This is how he shares his love, For a family is of God" (Family Is of God by Matthew Neeley)
• A responsibility to our families.
• A responsibility to our employers.
• A responsibility to the Lord’s work.
• A responsibility to ourselves.
This was particularly interesting to me. President Hinckley noted that we must allot time for rest, exercise, recreation, study, meditation, and temple worship in order to be balanced in our lives."
One thing I find that the world often says in self help magazines and articles that you need to take care of yourself. I wholeheartedly agree but I think you can get carried away. I notice that the Prophets council puts our family, work, and the Lord first. I honestly believe this is not a coincidence. I know for me when I'm serving others and the Lord, other things fall into place and I am so much happier.
But I also have seen others (including myself) who give and give and give and don't take the necessary time for yourself and collapse in exhaustion. Everyone is different in what they need: For me I need time to exercise before my kids get up. Because this is a priority for me, Devin and I work together to make that happen. With a nursing baby, it can be challenging but we work through it. I also enjoy some quiet time while my kids are napping to do e-mail, blog, read a book, or even sometimes take a nap myself!
I remember when I only had one baby and I use to long to get out of the house. Even just to grocery shop. Now in my life, 8 years later, I get excited when I look on the calendar and see nothing down. I get to stay home all day and not have to go anywhere!?
Being a young mother only comes once. I'm so grateful for the opportunity and I hope I make the right choices today. I would love some of your ideas in how you keep a balanced life as a mother.